
We believe that everyone has a story to tell. We all live, and living means life, and life means stories!

So, here is a growing collection of 100 word testimonies. Enjoy!

So, what’s your story? How has God shown Himself in your life? What’s your story?

There’s only 1 rule – your testimony must be exactly 100 words in length to appear here! Why not send in yours?

When my daughter was 10 years old, she wanted a new bike. She had something specific in mind, but hadn’t seen exactly what she was looking for. We recommended she pray about this, and so she simply asked God for what she wanted.

A few days later, she was out driving with her grandma. As he turned down one street, there was the exact bike she had been looking for! On sale, at the end of someone’s driveway. They pulled over and bought the bike.

Several years later, she still talks of how God provided that bike and praises him!

Andy Brown – andy-brown.org

How I Became A Christian

I come from a family of mixed beliefs; we were both Catholic and Protestant. I always believed in God. I thought this meant that I was a Christian going to Heaven; I was not perfect though, I still sinned occasionally.

 It was a book from Christmas 1983 that showed me that family pride could not save me. Only Jesus can save. He came, died, and rose again to pay my fine for sin, and conquered my fear of death. In accepting His gift I am saved, and going to Heaven some day. What about you? 

Alan Kearns – Devotional Treasures

My story in 100 words

I was brought up in a non-Christian home, but was encouraged by my Mum to go to Church when I was invited a few times by a School friend.

At eleven I rejected God and pressed the self- destruct button. I spent most of my college and University years wasting my life in drinking and partying.
However, at the age of 21, whilst on my university year abroad in Lyon, France I was feeling so guilty and lonely that I cried out to God and he saved me. I found peace, forgiveness and the love I had been searching for.

Jo Berry – BerryBunch.org

My testimony, in 100 words

I was born into a family who knew what God was, more than who He is: a clever book cover can hide much!

My dad left the family home when I was 4. This finally made sense when I reluctantly recognised the narcissism we had both, ultimately, escaped.

When I was 7 Jesus broke through my pain and confusion. In return for a broken heart, and abusive childhood, I received hope for the future, and peace for the now.

God has blessed me with a wife, 3 godly sons and a home that visitors always describe as filled with peace.

Andy Berry – the BerryBunch and AndyBerry.co.uk